The Majesty of the Outdoors (on the Robert McClory Bike Path)

This is what I saw coming at me on the Robert McClory Bike Path as I left Waukegan this morning. I set down the bike to take the snap for perspective and so you could see how I’m fixed up for travel.
So many times you see people along one of these trails who look content, serene, if not blissful. I had forgotten how much I enjoy studying the faces of oncoming cyclists for this reason. There can be no doubt that people need to venture out into nature to restore their humanity.
I love the thought that in doing this—and with the support I receive—we’re making it possible for young folks to have a taste of similar joys who otherwise might be SHUTOUT FOR LIFE (not to put too fine a point on it :-)).
Shortly after this snap, the mile markers counted down to zero. Then, the road surface switched from limestone to asphalt. The mile markers started counting up.
At a road crossing, I asked the guy who pulled up next to me if I was in Wisconsin. “Yep.”. We chatted, I told him about my mission, he pulled out his wallet, and spotted me $10.
Moments ago, I told my story outside the Common Grounds Coffeeshop in Kenosha, by the water, in the vicinity of the Kenosha Yacht Club (if you’ve never been to Kenosha you don’t know how funny that sounds) to Mary Ann, til recently a stranger. Mary Ann gave me $20 for the cause. Net so far today (in on-the-spot cash donations) $30! It’s not even noon!
Think about it. A year ago Kenosha was briefly the national symbol for division in America.
Today it is the place where total strangers without prompting gave a flash of our more generous selves, our capacity for largesse, showing, in a funny way, with just a shift in attention, how easily division can be defeated.